Touching, Amazon Office, Downtown Seattle, WA, 2024

The Downtown Story, Downtown Spokane, WA, 2023

Touch, Quadrics Office, Downtown Seattle, WA, 2021

Together, YWCA, Spokane, WA, 2021

The Racial Healing Day Installation, WSU, Pullman Campus, 2023

AlleyWay Mural Project, Spokane Arts, Spokane, WA 2020Press:The Spokes-Man Review: Story The Spokes-man ReviewSpokane ArtsSpokane Public Radio

AlleyWay Mural Project, Spokane Arts, Spokane, WA 2020


The Spokes-Man Review: Story

The Spokes-man Review

Spokane Arts

Spokane Public Radio


BLACK LIVES MATTER, the first “T” with Terrain, Spokane. Spokane, 2020

Learn more about the project


Kamiak Elementary School, Pullman, WA, 2019

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WSU painting students are painting my mural

WSU painting students are painting my mural

Another side of the Mural: A collaboration between WSU Department of Fine Arts and Department of Chemistry. “Our goal was to create an outdoor mural, inspired and informed by chemical science, that is both educational and interactive,” said Amy Niel…

Another side of the Mural: A collaboration between WSU Department of Fine Arts and Department of Chemistry. “Our goal was to create an outdoor mural, inspired and informed by chemical science, that is both educational and interactive,” said Amy Nielsen, clinical assistant professor of chemistry, who co‑led the project with Joe Hedges, assistant professor of fine arts. The professors worked with master of fine arts student Kelsey Baker, chemistry graduate student Aaron Hendrickson, and about 25 students in Hedges’s advanced and intermediate painting class to create the murals designed by Baker.


Jefferson Elementary School, Pullman, WA, 2017
